Create collateral for Chicago Botanic Garden’s 50th Anniversary Gala, such as a banner, invitation, postcard, tickets, logo, and poster. (Audience: middle to upper-class 35-70 year-olds who enjoy plant life and the gardens in Chicago.)

The layout for all collateral is simple but elegant to mirror the garden’s current style as well as pander to the older spectrum of their target market who find it easier to read type on a white background. The lily image taken in photography class represents thankfulness, celebration, and enjoyment. It is cropped above the Gala information to create a more flowing layout and look as if the flower is growing from it. The logo is based on their current mark but forms the anniversary number 50 into a flower shape. The color gold used is the color associated with 50th anniversaries and the silver type creates a typographical hierarchy in the pieces.
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